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Texas DIR Approved

Indigo Beam is pleased to have the opportunity to expand our government services by being an approved vendor through the Department of Information Resources (DIR).

ITSAC Contract

Texas DIR ITSAC Contract Services for Indigo Beam - Contract Number DIR-CPO-4616

The IT Staff Augmentation Services contract through the State of Texas DIR is an approved means of providing temporary IT staffing services to Texas state agencies based on a negotiated hourly rate. Agencies may choose from a list of approved vendors either through a competitive solicitation that is usually sent to all vendors or by going directly to a trusted, proven vendor. Either way, services are billed on an hourly basis and all staff are subject to management and oversight by agency staff.

Contract Detail

DBITS Contract

State of Texas: Department of Information Resources DBITS 2: Deliverables-Based IT Services Contract Number DIR-TSO-4078

All contracts have been competitively bid so you no longer have to prepare competitive solicitations or evaluate responses. DIR has done the time-consuming procurement work for you. Any Texas state, county or local government office or public education entity—no matter how small—can participate in the Co-op Contracts program. Learn more about the techology categories Indigo Beam is offerreing throug the DBITS program.

Contract Detail

Our Offerings

Change Perception - CMS

Revolutionizing Content Interaction

Our content management solutions (CMS) go beyond mere organization. We change the perception of how content powers business processes, enhancing accessibility and governance to transform the way information is consumed and utilized in your enterprise.

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Change Habit - ERP

Reengineering Operational Rhythms

With our ERP offerings, we change habitual workflows into streamlined, efficient processes. Our systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with your business, enabling a transformation in your operational routine that drives productivity and profitability.

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Change Legacy - Digital Modernization

Evolving Your Digital Footprint

Application modernization is at the heart of changing legacy systems. We rejuvenate outdated applications, breathing new life into your existing investments, and ensuring they serve your future needs in a modern digital landscape.

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Change Perspective - GIS & BI

Insights That Reshape Understanding

Our GIS and Business Intelligence services change perspectives by turning data into actionable insights. We empower decision-makers with the tools to view data through a new lens, uncovering opportunities and driving strategic direction.

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Change Relationships - CRM

Deepening Connections Through Technology

Our Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are designed to change how relationships are managed, fostering deeper engagement with customers and enhancing the customer experience at every touchpoint.

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Change Your Future - AI

Crafting Tomorrow's Solutions Today

At the forefront of our offerings is the promise to change your future. With advanced AI and IoT technologies, we are not just reacting to trends but actively shaping the trajectory of your industry and the role your business plays within it.

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